rethinkORM.tests ================ To get started and make sure this all works, please make sure you have Python `nose `__ installed. :: nosetests rethinkORM -v -s This will run the all the tests, not capturing ``stdout`` and being verbose, in case anything goes wrong, or if you modify the tests. Please note, tests are subject to a lot of changes, and this may not always be the same command. If you want to also check the `PEP8 `__ validity of the code, you can run: :: pep8 rethinkORM or, if you have `tissue `__ installed you can run a PEP8 check with the rest of the test suite like so: :: nosetests rethinkORM -v -s --with-tissue How the tests work (or should, if more are written): ---------------------------------------------------- There is a setup fixture that creates a database called ``model`` and within that creates a table ``stargate``. Then each test works on entries which get stored in this database and table. When everything is done, the teardown fixture is ran to clean up and delete the whole database ``model``. Each test should be broken down into basic actions, for example there are currently tests for: * inserting a new entry * modifying that entry * deleting that entry * inserting an entry where the primary key is ``None`` or a null value. :mod:`test_model` Module ------------------------ .. automodule:: rethinkORM.tests.test_model :members: :show-inheritance: