Source code for rethinkORM.rethinkCollection

#!/usr/bin/env python
Quick way to get groupings of RethinkModels objects matching the given criteria
import rethinkdb as r

[docs]class RethinkCollection(object): """ A way to fetch groupings of documents that meet a criteria and have them in an iterable storage object, with each document represented by `RethinkModel` objects """ documents = [] table = "" _model = None _query = None _filter = {} _join = None _joinedField = None
[docs] def __init__(self, model, filter=None): """ Instantiates a new collection, using the given models table, and wrapping all documents with the given model. Filter can be a dictionary or lambda, similar to the filters for the RethinkDB drivers filters. """ self._model = model self._query = r.table(self._model.table) if filter: self._filter = filter self._query = self._query.filter(self._filter)
[docs] def joinOn(self, model, onIndex): """ Performs an eqJoin on with the given model. The resulting join will be accessible through the models name. """ return self._joinOnAsPriv(model, onIndex, model.__name__)
[docs] def joinOnAs(self, model, onIndex, whatAs): """ Like `joinOn` but allows setting the joined results name to access it from. Performs an eqJoin on with the given model. The resulting join will be accessible through the given name. """ return self._joinOnAsPriv(model, onIndex, whatAs)
def _joinOnAsPriv(self, model, onIndex, whatAs): """ Private method for handling joins. """ if self._join: raise Exception("Already joined with a table!") self._join = model self._joinedField = whatAs table = model.table self._query = self._query.eq_join(onIndex, r.table(table)) return self
[docs] def orderBy(self, field, direct="desc"): """ Allows for the results to be ordered by a specific field. If given, direction can be set with passing an additional argument in the form of "asc" or "desc" """ if direct == "desc": self._query = self._query.order_by(r.desc(field)) else: self._query = self._query.order_by(r.asc(field)) return self
def __iter__(self): for doc in self._documents: yield doc # Pagination helpers... # These are questionable, on if I'll put them in or not. #def paginate(self, start,finish): #pass #@property #def currentPage(self): #pass #@property #def perpage(self): #pass #@property #def hasnextpage(self): #pass #@property #def pages(self): #pass # Okay, enough pagination
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Fetches the query and then tries to wrap the data in the model, joining as needed, if applicable. """ returnResults = [] results = for result in results: if self._join: # Because we can tell the models to ignore certian fields, # through the protectedItems blacklist, we can nest models by # name and have each one act normal and not accidentally store # extra data from other models item = self._model.fromRawEntry(**result["left"]) joined = self._join.fromRawEntry(**result["right"]) item.protectedItems = self._joinedField item[self._joinedField] = joined else: item = self._model.fromRawEntry(**result) returnResults.append(item) self._documents = returnResults return self._documents

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