Source code for rethinkORM.rethinkModel

#!/usr/bin/env python
ORM style interface for working with RethinkDB and having a native wrapper and
some helper functions for working with the wrapper. This module contains
the base model which should be inherited.
import rethinkdb as r

[docs]class RethinkModel(object): """ Emulates a python object for the data which is returned from rethinkdb and the official Python client driver. Raw data from the database is stored in _data to keep the objects namespace clean. For more information look at how _get() and _set() function in order to keep the namespace cleaner but still provide easy access to data. This object has a __repr__ method which can be used with print or logging statements. It will give the id and a representation of the internal _data dict for debugging purposes. """ _protectedItems = [] _conn = None _join = None _joinedField = "" table = "" #: The table which this document object will be stored in primaryKey = "id" #: The current primary key of the table durability = "soft" """Can either be Hard or Soft, and is passed to RethinkDB""" non_atomic = False """Determins if the transaction can be non atomic or not""" upsert = True """Will either update, or create a new object if true and a primary key is given."""
[docs] def __init__(self, id=False, **kwargs): """ Initializes the main object, if `id` is in kwargs, then we assume this is already in the database, and will try to pull its data, if not, then we assume this is a new entry that will be inserted. (Optional, only if not using .repl()) `conn` or `connection` can also be passed, which will be used in all the .run() clauses. """ protectedItems = dir(self) protectedItems.append(self._protectedItems) self._protectedItems = protectedItems """ List of strings to not store in the database; automatically set to the built in properties of this object to prevent any accidental stuff """ # Is this a new object, or already in the database? (set later) self._new = True self._data = {} # STORE ALL THE DATA!! # If we're given a connection, we'll use it, if not, we'll assume # .repl() was called on r.connect() if hasattr(kwargs, "conn") or hasattr(kwargs, "connection"): self._conn = kwargs["conn"] key = kwargs[self.primaryKey] if self.primaryKey in kwargs else id if key is None or key == "" and len(kwargs) == 0: raise Exception("""Cannot have an empty or type None key""") elif key and len(kwargs) > 0: # Assume we have data from a collection, just go with it and set # our data. #self._makeNew(kwargs) raise Exception("""Cannot supply primary key and additional \ arguments while searching for Documents.""") if key and not self._grabData(key): raise Exception("""Could not find key in database""") self._makeNew(kwargs) if key: self._data[self.primaryKey] = key # Hook to run any inherited class code, if needed self.finishInit()
def _makeNew(self, kwargs): # We assume this is a new object, and that we'll insert it for key in kwargs: if key not in ["conn", "connection"] or key[0] != "_": self._data[key] = kwargs[key] def _grabData(self, key): """ Tries to find the existing document in the database, if it is found, then the objects _data is set to that document, and this returns `True`, otherwise this will return `False` :param key: The primary key of the object we're looking for :type key: Str :return: True if a document was found, otherwise False :rtype: Boolean """ rawCursor = r.table(self.table).get(key).run(self._conn) if rawCursor: self._data = rawCursor self._new = False return True else: return False
[docs] def finishInit(self): """ A hook called at the end of the main `__init__` to allow for custom inherited classes to customize their init process without having to redo all of the existing int. This should accept nothing besides `self` and nothing should be returned. """ pass
def _get(self, item): """ Helper function to keep the __getattr__ and __getitem__ calls KISSish """ if item not in object.__getattribute__(self, "_protectedItems") \ and item[0] != "_": data = object.__getattribute__(self, "_data") if item in data: return data[item] return object.__getattribute__(self, item) def _set(self, item, value): """ Helper function to keep the __setattr__ and __setitem__ calls KISSish Will only set the objects _data if the given items name is not prefixed with _ or if the item exists in the protected items List. """ if item not in object.__getattribute__(self, "_protectedItems") \ and item[0] != "_": keys = object.__getattribute__(self, "_data") if not hasattr(value, '__call__'): keys[item] = value return value if hasattr(value, '__call__') and item in keys: raise Exception("""Cannot set model data to a function, same \ name exists in data""") return object.__setattr__(self, item, value) def __getattr__(self, item): return self._get(item) def __getitem__(self, item): return self._get(item) def __setattr__(self, item, value): return self._set(item, value) def __setitem__(self, item, value): return self._set(item, value)
[docs] def __delitem__(self, item): """ Deletes the given item from the objects _data dict, or if from the objects namespace, if it does not exist in _data. """ keys = object.__getattribute__(self, "_data") if item in keys: del(keys[item]) else: object.__delitem__(self, item)
[docs] def __contains__(self, item): """ Allows for the use of syntax similar to:: if "blah" in model: This only works with the internal _data, and does not include other properties in the objects namepsace. """ keys = object.__getattribute__(self, "_data") if item in keys: return True return False
@classmethod def fromRawEntry(cls, **kwargs): """ Helper function to allow wrapping existing data/entries, such as those returned by collections. """ id = kwargs["id"] kwargs.pop("id") what = cls(**kwargs) what._new = False = id return what @classmethod
[docs] def new(cls, **kwargs): """ Creates a new instance, filling out the models data with the keyword arguments passed, so long as those keywords are not in the protected items array. """ return cls(**kwargs)
[docs] def create(cls, id=None, **kwargs): """ Similar to new() however this calls save() on the object before returning it. """ what = cls(**kwargs) if id: setattr(what, cls.primaryKey, id) return what
[docs] def find(cls, id): """ Loads an existing entry if one can be found, otherwise an exception is raised. :param id: The id of the given entry :type id: Str :return: `cls` instance of the given `id` entry """ return cls(id)
[docs] def save(self): """ If an id exists in the database, we assume we'll update it, and if not then we'll insert it. This could be a problem with creating your own id's on new objects, however luckily, we keep track of if this is a new object through a private _new variable, and use that to determine if we insert or update. """ if not self._new: reply = r.table(self.table) \ .update(self._data, durability=self.durability, non_atomic=self.non_atomic) \ .run(self._conn) else: reply = r.table(self.table) \ .insert(self._data, durability=self.durability, upsert=self.upsert) \ .run(self._conn) self._new = False if "generated_keys" in reply and reply["generated_keys"]: self._data[self.primaryKey] = reply["generated_keys"][0] if "errors" in reply and reply["errors"] > 0: raise Exception("Could not insert entry: %s" % reply["first_error"]) return True
[docs] def delete(self): """ Deletes the current instance. This assumes that we know what we're doing, and have a primary key in our data already. If this is a new instance, then we'll let the user know with an Exception """ if self._new: raise Exception("This is a new object, %s not in data, \ indicating this entry isn't stored." % self.primaryKey) r.table(self.table).get(self._data[self.primaryKey]) \ .delete(durability=self.durability).run(self._conn) return True
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Allows for the representation of the object, for debugging purposes """ return "< %s at %s with data: %s >" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), self._data)
@property def protectedItems(self): """ Provides a cleaner interface to dynamically add items to the models list of protected functions to not store in the database """ return self._protectedItems @protectedItems.setter
[docs] def protectedItems(self, value): if type(value) is list: self._protectedItems.extend(value) else: assert type(value) is str self._protectedItems.append(value) return self._protectedItems

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